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White Batiste - Sheer

Swatch Price: $1.00

White Batiste Sheer is a lightweight, transparent 100% polyester fabric with a lustrous surface and an interesting texture of threads. The threads give the fabric the look of more natural fibers when compared to voile sheer fabric, which has a more uniform look.

White can be combined with any color scheme and decorating style. Sheers beneath a pair of draperies offer a luxurious layered look, and provide a sense of privacy. Cafe curtains for kitchens and bathrooms are a great place for White Batiste Sheers.

  • Swatch Size: 4” x 4” (Please use swatch for color matching.)
  • Fabric Content: 100% Polyester
  • Fabric Repeat: 0” Vertical, 0” Horizontal


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